Friday, October 21, 2011


Why? Why must it be at night that my mind comes alive and refuses to let me sleep?  Like a good wife, I go to bed when my husband does, read for a little while (so glad that doesn't bother him), and than try to sleep.  Sleep does not come, so I think about all the things I want -and need- to do the next day. And suddenly my brain wakes up.  Some nights need to have a notebook and pen next to my bed, so I can write a to-do list, or my ideas lest I forget them.  The sad part is, I know that when morning comes I will not be so ambitious.  It will be hard to get out of bed, I'm tired because I didn't get any sleep last night, and usually the cold makes me want to stay snugly under my warm covers.  How do I break this vicious cycle?

All that aside, I took more pictures of leaves yesterday.  I can't help it.  They were so beautiful (that and I don't have anything else to put up).  So here you are, more of this autumn's beautiful color:

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