Thursday, October 20, 2011


I've been feeling rather apathetic about taking pictures lately.  It's been too cold to go out much, and I've had a bit of a mental block on my creativity.
So once again, the subject for today is food.  I found some lovely yellow tomatoes at the store the other day and I decided I had to make bruschetta. I made Italian bread from a recipe I found on my bread flour bag. Next I got out the bruschetta recipe and realized to my dismay that I didn't have all the ingredients I needed. So I decided to wing it and made do with what I had. The result was very satisfying and made for a happy husband, who said "keep the recipe", which is code for "that was delicious".

The only negative: I woke up this morning with the taste of garlic still in my mouth.  And, yes, I did  brush my teeth last night...

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