Friday, October 12, 2012

long over due

Yes, this is really it. The post you have all been waiting for.  I have no good explanation for keeping you in suspense for so long, besides the fact that we had to pack up our stuff move across town, unpack and find places for stuff, do dishes in the bathtub, combat a few spiders and mice while still going to work and doing everyday things.  But really, somewhere in there I should have been able to find some time to do this. So here it is and sorry it's so late.

This is our little house as you see from the street, minus the sale sign and it is now fall.

I'll post before and after pictures in succession so you can see the changes we have made. Some are pretty drastic, but most are still a work in progress.

Friday, July 6, 2012

i've got the blues

I haven't been able to spend a whole lot of time taking pictures of blue things. But here are a few that I've taken here and there.

Monday, June 18, 2012

searching for blue

So I started a new photo project with my friend Lia.  We decided to focus on just one color for a whole month.  This is actually harder than I thought. Or maybe it's just because I'm picky.  I feel like when you are focusing on a color, there needs to be a certain simplicity to the picture.  Or else how do you make the color, rather than the object the focus?
Anyways. I've been looking, for the past week or so, for blue.  That's the color we picked.
I went for a bike ride today, just to see what I could find (it was that, or try and compose a picture of things I have at the apartment, which I'm not all that good at).  As I was ready to give up hope, I found it, the perfect subject for my picture.

Hopefully the next few will come a bit easier...

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Father's day, wish I could spend it with you, dad.  Especially if that meant I was in Europe too :)
I did make you a cake though. Well, actually I made it for a co-worker, who requested a Father's Day cake,  but she didn't tell me what she wanted on it, so I used you as my inspiration...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

for now

I still intend to put up some before-and-after pictures of the house, but I would like to spend  bit more time on them than it takes to slap some pictures on the page (plus I need to make room for them on my computer).

In the meantime, I will let you admire my most recent creation,  mocha toffee cupcakes.
                                                                                   I'll send you the recipe if you want it.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

roaches, wreckage and repair

So, why the long silence? We bought a house.
And it's not a new house either, it's a fixer-upper. We have been busy busy busy, taking out walls, carpets, and cockroaches, and fixing roofs installing electrical an so on and so forth.  Pictures will be forthcoming, but for now here's one I took while standing on the roof.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Spring is here, and I feel like I am missing it with all the things I have been doing indoors.
I did get out briefly the other day to take a couple of pictures and I'm pretty happy with the results.  Nature is just so beautiful.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Time escapes me.
Josh and I have been painting a friend's basement this past week, going over there after work and coming home well past our bed time (last night it was 11).
Last week we had a potluck and brought a cake.  That same day I received two requests for cake (and cupcake) from coworkers and they wanted them on the same day - tomorrow.  Praise the Lord I only worked will noon today, or I would have been up all night getting them done.
So here are pictures of the cake I made last week and the cakes I did today and the damage done to my kitchen. I'm not a messy cook but I am definitely a messy cake decorator.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

now what?

Sooo, it's been a while. March just came way too fast for me to figure out what to do with it.  I sort of had another challenge lined up but by the time I was ready to start it was the 5th and I was already behind.
Work keeps me busy and exhausted.  But the fact that spring is coming energizes me.  So hopefully I can do more outdoor pictures again soon.
For now I'll just post some random pictures until I find another challenge to take on, or come up with a theme to focus on.  I'm always up for suggestions, and I would love it if anyone was interested in doing a challenge with me.  I love to see the different things people come up with when you have a subject that is open to interpretation.
So, send me your thoughts and ideas.

This was going to be the first picture for the March challenge.
Day 1 was "up".

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I wish I could take a picture of my drawer at work.  It usually has nearly $10,000 in it. That is the money I deal with on a daily basis, but personally, I never have cash.  My money is all plastic.

Something I ate

I made cinnamon rolls per Josh's request today.  I didn't have time to take a picture of the finished product, before I had to dash off to work, but this is what they looked like right before they went in the oven. This picture looks even better than when they came out.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


We actually have a clear sky tonight, and I wish I could be outside taking better pictures than this, but it's really cold outside and I need to be getting to bed.
So this is the moon from our living room window. Sorry about the quality, there are a couple sheets of glass, a bug screen and plastic insulation between me and the moon, but at least you can see through all of it...


I love the color green.  To me it signifies life and vitality. It is neither a warm nor a cold color, to me it is just fresh and beautiful.
To survive these long winter months, we have a few plants inside, and this one is Spitze.  We found him in bad shape for practically nothing at the grocery store. We've nursed him back to health and now he is producing fresh green sprigs.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Inside my Bathroom Cabinet

We don't really have a bathroom cabinet, what we have is more like cubbies, and believe it or not I did not tidy it up before taking the picture.  So you can get a glimpse of what it really looks like on a day to day basis.


My Shoes

I'm not a huge shoe person (meaning I don't have a closet full of them) and I usually have a hard time shopping for what I need when it comes to shoes, but these are some of my favorites: my every day shoes, church shoes, flip flops, the shoes I wore for my wedding and a pair I haven't worn yet, got them on clearance and am waiting for better weather to wear them and not risk ruining them.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Where I Work

This is where I work as of January 23rd. I am a teller at the Savanna-Thompson State Bank. I'm at the point where I am beginning to get the hang of things, and I really enjoy it.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Favorite Picture of Myself

I instantly thought of my wedding.  Our photographer did an amazing job, and we had such a blast.
Of course I liked all of them, save maybe one or two, so it was hard to pick a favorite, but right now I really like this one.

Photo © The Thompsons, Photography, 2011

Monday, February 20, 2012


My handwriting changes a lot.  It will change based on the pen I'm using, the space I have to write on, the amount of time I have and the mood I am in.
Here's a picture of a doodle that was the result of a class I took in college, in which i had a particularly hard time staying awake.  Some of the subject matter pertains to the class, some of it is completely random.
I did learn a number of greek words in that class...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Something I hate to do

I really don't enjoy cleaning.  I hate messes and I like having a clean house, but the cleaning itself is not something I enjoy.  Sometimes I wish I did, because I like the result and it's something that needs to get done, but I have never been a fan.


This is what I had today, while tidying up around the apartment.  I'm really not a coffee drinker. Can't stand brewed coffee, but I occasionally drink the powdered stuff.  This white mocha is pretty good.


This one plagued me for a while.  How on earth do I take a picture of time? I could take a picture of a clock, but that struck me as rather lame.  I could do a time lapse, but I didn't really have anything interesting to take a bajillion pictures of just to show the passing of time.
Then I just started thinking about time itself, and how we are bound by time, how there never seems to be enough time in a day, and how we can perceive time to move fast or slow depending on whether we are having a good time or waiting for something to happen.  I feel like I have spent a lot of time waiting for things to come and not making the most of the present.
But before I go off philosophizing any more, I will just go ahead and post a picture of how I most like to spend my time these days and that is with my best friend, my husband. Whether it is working on a project or cooking or watching a movie or talking or driving, I treasure the time we have to spend together.