Tuesday, March 13, 2012

now what?

Sooo, it's been a while. March just came way too fast for me to figure out what to do with it.  I sort of had another challenge lined up but by the time I was ready to start it was the 5th and I was already behind.
Work keeps me busy and exhausted.  But the fact that spring is coming energizes me.  So hopefully I can do more outdoor pictures again soon.
For now I'll just post some random pictures until I find another challenge to take on, or come up with a theme to focus on.  I'm always up for suggestions, and I would love it if anyone was interested in doing a challenge with me.  I love to see the different things people come up with when you have a subject that is open to interpretation.
So, send me your thoughts and ideas.

This was going to be the first picture for the March challenge.
Day 1 was "up".

1 comment:

  1. oh, i'd love to do a challenge with you! and i really like that pic :)
