Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A New Challenge

Oh dear, it has been so long, I'm not even sure I want to post all the pictures I took since before Christmas - not that there have been that many - but it's the anecdote or explanation for each that would take a while.
I may post some of them eventually, but in the meantime I am starting a new challenge.

I found this on Facebook yesterday, and am kind of excited to try it out and see how long I last.
I know the hard part for me will be remembering to do it every day and finding something interesting.

I'm already looking forward to some of these, and other's I have no clue how they will be accomplished.
So I will have to get creative and that will be good for me.

Here is number 1: my view.
I picked the view from my kitchen window, and aimed up rather than down, because all you would see is the ugly street and the restaurant next door.
But aiming up I can see the tree that will soon be as green as the herbs on the inside of the window.

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