Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I wish I could take a picture of my drawer at work.  It usually has nearly $10,000 in it. That is the money I deal with on a daily basis, but personally, I never have cash.  My money is all plastic.

Something I ate

I made cinnamon rolls per Josh's request today.  I didn't have time to take a picture of the finished product, before I had to dash off to work, but this is what they looked like right before they went in the oven. This picture looks even better than when they came out.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


We actually have a clear sky tonight, and I wish I could be outside taking better pictures than this, but it's really cold outside and I need to be getting to bed.
So this is the moon from our living room window. Sorry about the quality, there are a couple sheets of glass, a bug screen and plastic insulation between me and the moon, but at least you can see through all of it...


I love the color green.  To me it signifies life and vitality. It is neither a warm nor a cold color, to me it is just fresh and beautiful.
To survive these long winter months, we have a few plants inside, and this one is Spitze.  We found him in bad shape for practically nothing at the grocery store. We've nursed him back to health and now he is producing fresh green sprigs.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Inside my Bathroom Cabinet

We don't really have a bathroom cabinet, what we have is more like cubbies, and believe it or not I did not tidy it up before taking the picture.  So you can get a glimpse of what it really looks like on a day to day basis.


My Shoes

I'm not a huge shoe person (meaning I don't have a closet full of them) and I usually have a hard time shopping for what I need when it comes to shoes, but these are some of my favorites: my every day shoes, church shoes, flip flops, the shoes I wore for my wedding and a pair I haven't worn yet, got them on clearance and am waiting for better weather to wear them and not risk ruining them.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Where I Work

This is where I work as of January 23rd. I am a teller at the Savanna-Thompson State Bank. I'm at the point where I am beginning to get the hang of things, and I really enjoy it.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Favorite Picture of Myself

I instantly thought of my wedding.  Our photographer did an amazing job, and we had such a blast.
Of course I liked all of them, save maybe one or two, so it was hard to pick a favorite, but right now I really like this one.

Photo © The Thompsons, Photography, 2011

Monday, February 20, 2012


My handwriting changes a lot.  It will change based on the pen I'm using, the space I have to write on, the amount of time I have and the mood I am in.
Here's a picture of a doodle that was the result of a class I took in college, in which i had a particularly hard time staying awake.  Some of the subject matter pertains to the class, some of it is completely random.
I did learn a number of greek words in that class...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Something I hate to do

I really don't enjoy cleaning.  I hate messes and I like having a clean house, but the cleaning itself is not something I enjoy.  Sometimes I wish I did, because I like the result and it's something that needs to get done, but I have never been a fan.


This is what I had today, while tidying up around the apartment.  I'm really not a coffee drinker. Can't stand brewed coffee, but I occasionally drink the powdered stuff.  This white mocha is pretty good.


This one plagued me for a while.  How on earth do I take a picture of time? I could take a picture of a clock, but that struck me as rather lame.  I could do a time lapse, but I didn't really have anything interesting to take a bajillion pictures of just to show the passing of time.
Then I just started thinking about time itself, and how we are bound by time, how there never seems to be enough time in a day, and how we can perceive time to move fast or slow depending on whether we are having a good time or waiting for something to happen.  I feel like I have spent a lot of time waiting for things to come and not making the most of the present.
But before I go off philosophizing any more, I will just go ahead and post a picture of how I most like to spend my time these days and that is with my best friend, my husband. Whether it is working on a project or cooking or watching a movie or talking or driving, I treasure the time we have to spend together.

Something New

Well, we are currently trying to save every penny we earn in hopes of buying a house soon, so we aren't getting many new things, but as a Valentine's/6 month anniversary/new job gift Josh got me a Kindle, because I've been wanting to read more of the classics and I heard they are free on the kindle, so he splurged and got me one.
And it has already been put to good use.  I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately so this is a picture of how I spent my Sunday. On the couch. reading Persuasion.


My phone is nothing special really. I use it to text or call my husband and occasionally other people, but I love the picture and the little message my husband wrote for me every time I turn it on.


I'm not really big into hearts, so I don't have many around. And our Valentine's Day was rather uneventful too. We had a nice dinner together at home, and that was about it.

But yesterday, Josh was teaching me about bokeh and we had some fun experimenting with it.  Our version was a heart cut out of a black piece of paper and stuck upside down on the from of the lens.  It makes for a pretty cool effect...

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Woo, I'm behind.  Had a busy week at a new work place and I've been fighting a cold as well.
"Blue" has been cluttering my living room all week.  I did take a couple of pictures on Monday, but I didn't like them and never had a chance to retake them till today.

So here's Monday's post, and it consists of the many blue things I could find in my house.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

inside my closet

This would normally be a rather scary picture, but we recently cleaned and organized the apartment, so the closet is not in bad shape.
You will notice that when I do organize, I can be a bit CDO ( that's OCD in alphabetical order)...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

makes me happy

Today was rather uneventful, and I was having a hard time trying to decide what to take a picture of, until Josh came back with the laundry...
We share one washer and dryer with 11 other apartments, and occasionally you either lose things, or find things that are definitely not yours.  This one was rather amusing...

Friday, February 10, 2012

self portrait

This one did not turn out as well as I would have liked.
I really wasn't up for a self portrait today, I've been kind of sick and wasn't having the greatest hair day, so I decided to take a close-up picture of just my eye.
Because I don't have a macro lens, I couldn't get too close while still remaining in focus.
My conclusion is that it's hard to get a good eye picture unless you have blue eyes, or you mess with the picture in photoshop...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Front Door

Hmmm. To tell you the truth, I wasn't too thrilled with this assignment.  We live in an apartment and our door is nothing special.  The outside one is even worse, but with a little creativity, I think it turned out pretty well...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I love the sun.  Cloudy days depress me.  We have had a lot of cloudy days lately and I fully expected today to be no different.  But to my delight when I looked out the window as I was getting ready for work this morning, the sky was clear and the sun was just beginning to come up.  I snapped a picture right before I left and I am glad, because on my way home I watched the sun sinking below the horizon, keeping me from being able to take any more pictures of it today.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Ok, little disclaimer here first.  I am sick and I have had a long busy day, so I really didn't have a lot of time to put much thought or effort into this picture.  As it is, it took me a lot of effort anyway, because my camera is very heavy, and because I decided to take a picture of the button on my sweater that I am wearing.  And holding my camera up there trying to get a good shot, nearly spent me.

Monday, February 6, 2012


How convenient.  Tonight dinner was special because it was the one year anniversary of our engagement and the six month anniversary of our wedding.
We had layered enchilada bake for dinner and mocha fondue afterwards to celebrate.
I decided this occasion warrants more than one picture

Sunday, February 5, 2012

10 AM

Normally we would have been at church at 10am this morning, but Josh wasn't feeling well and needed some extra rest.  So we decided to stay home and take it easy instead.
Therefore at 10 this morning we were not at church, but instead eating homemade breakfast burritos.
This is our default meal of late, we'll put anything from rice, eggs salsa, tomatoes, peppers onions, cheese, beans, corn, you name it. Whatever we can find in the fridge.
Today's contained brown rice, ham, tomatoes, peppers, onions, and salsa.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I have to admit, I did not take this picture today.  I was in for most of the day doing some major cleaning with my husband and did not have the opportunity to take a picture of a stranger.
So I'm posting this picture that I took two years ago in Turkey.
I snapped a picture of this lady while we were waiting for the ferry.  I think it was her clothes that caught my eye.

Friday, February 3, 2012


This is not a hard one for me, as I kind of have a thing for hands.  I notice people's hands more than any other physical feature and love to watch what people do with their hands, and how they are shaped and so on.
My favorite hands are my husband's hands. He has strong, gentle hands, that he loves to use for anything that strikes his fancy, from woodworking, to cooking, to gardening, to rubbing my back, he does it all.

This picture is of Josh re-potting some herbs we are growing, and I just loved watching him gently, ever so carefully re-planting those tiny sprigs, so I quickly grabbed my camera to capture it.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I had a lot of ideas for "words" but when it comes down to it, The Word is about at good as it gets.
I picked Psalm 100 because it is purely a Psalm of praise.  How often do we talk to God just to praise Him?  I find for myself, I spend a lot more time asking Him for things or thanking Him when I get it, but I rarely spend time just to worship Him for who He is, for the fact that he is good and his steadfast love endures forever.
He made us and we are His. It doesn't get better than that...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A New Challenge

Oh dear, it has been so long, I'm not even sure I want to post all the pictures I took since before Christmas - not that there have been that many - but it's the anecdote or explanation for each that would take a while.
I may post some of them eventually, but in the meantime I am starting a new challenge.

I found this on Facebook yesterday, and am kind of excited to try it out and see how long I last.
I know the hard part for me will be remembering to do it every day and finding something interesting.

I'm already looking forward to some of these, and other's I have no clue how they will be accomplished.
So I will have to get creative and that will be good for me.

Here is number 1: my view.
I picked the view from my kitchen window, and aimed up rather than down, because all you would see is the ugly street and the restaurant next door.
But aiming up I can see the tree that will soon be as green as the herbs on the inside of the window.