Friday, October 12, 2012

long over due

Yes, this is really it. The post you have all been waiting for.  I have no good explanation for keeping you in suspense for so long, besides the fact that we had to pack up our stuff move across town, unpack and find places for stuff, do dishes in the bathtub, combat a few spiders and mice while still going to work and doing everyday things.  But really, somewhere in there I should have been able to find some time to do this. So here it is and sorry it's so late.

This is our little house as you see from the street, minus the sale sign and it is now fall.

I'll post before and after pictures in succession so you can see the changes we have made. Some are pretty drastic, but most are still a work in progress.

Friday, July 6, 2012

i've got the blues

I haven't been able to spend a whole lot of time taking pictures of blue things. But here are a few that I've taken here and there.

Monday, June 18, 2012

searching for blue

So I started a new photo project with my friend Lia.  We decided to focus on just one color for a whole month.  This is actually harder than I thought. Or maybe it's just because I'm picky.  I feel like when you are focusing on a color, there needs to be a certain simplicity to the picture.  Or else how do you make the color, rather than the object the focus?
Anyways. I've been looking, for the past week or so, for blue.  That's the color we picked.
I went for a bike ride today, just to see what I could find (it was that, or try and compose a picture of things I have at the apartment, which I'm not all that good at).  As I was ready to give up hope, I found it, the perfect subject for my picture.

Hopefully the next few will come a bit easier...

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Father's day, wish I could spend it with you, dad.  Especially if that meant I was in Europe too :)
I did make you a cake though. Well, actually I made it for a co-worker, who requested a Father's Day cake,  but she didn't tell me what she wanted on it, so I used you as my inspiration...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

for now

I still intend to put up some before-and-after pictures of the house, but I would like to spend  bit more time on them than it takes to slap some pictures on the page (plus I need to make room for them on my computer).

In the meantime, I will let you admire my most recent creation,  mocha toffee cupcakes.
                                                                                   I'll send you the recipe if you want it.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

roaches, wreckage and repair

So, why the long silence? We bought a house.
And it's not a new house either, it's a fixer-upper. We have been busy busy busy, taking out walls, carpets, and cockroaches, and fixing roofs installing electrical an so on and so forth.  Pictures will be forthcoming, but for now here's one I took while standing on the roof.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Spring is here, and I feel like I am missing it with all the things I have been doing indoors.
I did get out briefly the other day to take a couple of pictures and I'm pretty happy with the results.  Nature is just so beautiful.